A M5.2 earthquake struck about 8 miles west of Petrolia shortly after 3 p.m. on March 18, 2020, rattling much of Humboldt County.
The quake hit where the Cascadia Subduction Zone links to the San Andreas Fault at the Mendocino Triple Junction.

Yesterday, the Pacific Northwest was seismically very active. Just a few hours after a M5.7 earthquake rattled Utah, a M5.2 earthquake hit off petrolia in California.
The shallow earthquake hit at a depth of about 17 miles.
The U.S. Tsunami Warning Centers indicated there were no current tsunami watches or warnings.
Although offshore, more than 1,800 people reported feeling the earthquake that rattled much of Humbolt County in California.
What is the dangerous Mendocino Triple Jonction?
The Mendocino Triple Junction is the point where the Gorda plate, the North American plate, and the Pacific plate meet, in the Pacific Ocean near Cape Mendocino in northern California.

This triple junction is the location of a change in the broad plate motions which dominate the west coast of North America, linking convergence of the northern Cascadia subduction zone and translation of the southern San Andreas Fault system.
It has been reently shown that the an earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone could trigger a similar shaker on the San Andreas fault to the south and thus create a giant seismic event along the U.S. West Coast.
By the way you can download a new documentary film about Cascadia Below… It’s really worth your money!

This M5.2 earthquake off Petrolia follows a M5.8 last week. More earthquake news on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. [USGS, Tsunami.gov]
Thanks a lot Strange Sounds we love you for giving us truth news. I would like to take this moment say Happy New Year all Iranian and 60 Nations such as Afghanistan , Pakistan and India , Syria, Kurdistan, etc.. over 800 Millions celebrate Iranian New Year under Corona Virus, and Martial Law. Iran death is 10 every hour. We hope 60 Millions that according to the Islamic News will get Corona Virus in 3 weeks, which will be 60 Millions if you die any way least you can do Riot in whole IRAN and change this bloody Islamic regime. That is least i ask people of IRAN. This regime still has flying to China with Masks and medicine and Iranian left with nothing. All 8.5 Tons of WHO
sent Masks PPE for Iranian Doctors and Nurses, all was given to IRGC to comply Martial Law in Iran . This regime must go now?