Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt telecommunications companies’ deployment of 5G wireless networks.
5G is an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful. We know from science that wireless radiation can cause DNA damage, neuropsychiatric effects and other health problems. In academics this is called human subjects research.
And such experiments on humanity and the environment is defined as a crime under international law.
“Even though the radiation associated with 5G technologies hasn’t been investigated as extensively as that associated with current cell phone technologies, there is a substantial body of literature and evidence to indicate a significant impact of exposure on human health and development,” said Dr. Jerry Phillips.
And he continues as is: “Of concern here are not just the potential effects of 5G-associated radiation, but what might result from the combined impact of 5G-radiation with other sources of non-ionizing radiation in our environment. Certainly, a more careful and thorough assessment of the risks to human and environmental health are warranted.”
As 5G wireless becomes more popular, more towers to emit the signals will be built to supplement existing cell towers. This is because 5G needs a different hardware to deliver such signals.
However, 5G requires far more of these towers than previous generations of networks — reportedly, as near as 500 feet apart in many neighborhoods — due to having a higher frequency that decays faster in the atmosphere.
The close proximity of said towers is also a cause for concern, according to Sabine El Gemayel, the producer and director of watchdog group Generation Zapped.
“I’m very concerned about 5G because 5G’s infrastructure requires cell towers to be much closer to each other, thus creating an emitting grid of 24/7 wireless radiations near our homes,” she said.
“Radio frequencies from wireless radiations have been classified a class 2b carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is not only a concern because it’s hazardous to our health but it is also raises concerns about privacy and cyber security with IOT (Internet of Things).”
In 2011, WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
This classification, according to the original announcement, was based on “an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”
Within last year, 5G towers have popped up like mushrooms around the world. This is now becoming insane! [Salon, CDC]
any ideas why the whales and dolfins wash them selves up onto strange beaches or why there is an increase in cancers
Time to do something about people.down the towers of 5g uk people already destroying this fuck…g 5g towers puting fire.let do the same !!!!! Nobody need 5g !!!!!
https://www.aiworldgov.com/ now World Government will have a big conference near white house. Please click on this link and see they even want by pass referendum for world people and decide for all we all want World Government run by AI and space?
we have not been guarding the constitution for over a hundred years partying and vacationing and traveling and just having a good time. the price of freedom is vigilance. the boomers fucked up and now we all have to pay for it. the only thing that will stop 5G is an act of god. the military is installing it all over the country during this lockdown and when it’s over they are going to fry your children’s brains. you have NO rights that you are not willing to die for. the police are not on our side. they just want a paycheck like everyone else and they love the violence. america must fall. britain must fall. rome must fall.
India still using 3g and 4g network still has lowest so far infected in the world. Martial Law in India going to be second weeks. India with population of 1.4 Billions if we look at them all 5g cities around globe and North America we all are screwed and if the quakes bring them down let it be? Hell with 5G use your modem and disable wireless instead like old times use 4 ports on modem and connect it to 4 computers by cables that goes from modem to your computer. Corona virus Phase 2 with infection can be in your body for 51 days and Phase 3 and Phase 4 no one is immune it and We all die from it unless they kill switch all internet and 5g and 4g 3g around world. This virus called devil virus?
5G is not an experiment. GMOs an experiment. 5G not a problem. GMOs a problem. Stop being fooled by Monsanto lie and manipulation. Over the last 100 years mankind has lived in an ever increasing ocean of EMF and during that time lifespans have increased. Scientific experiments have shown GMOs to be dangerous – not so with EMF – cows will not eat GMO corn but will prefer the stalls with 5G music.
I find it quite ludicrous to discover that Scott Morrison, Aussie PM, is all for 5G, however, has banned it from his very own street in Sydney!
VOTE FOR WAVE FREE ZONES At https://www.thepetitionsite.com/467/261/635/vote-for-wave-free-zones/ also 2nd petition titled VOTE FOR EARTH BALANCED PROJECTS IN WAVE FREE ZONES At https://www.thepetitionsite.com/275/975/256/vote-for-earth-balanced-projects-in-wave-free-zones…
People… time to protect yourself. Step 1: If towers go up in your neighborhood, they must come down or be rendered inoperable. Step 2: If they’re replaced or repaired, repeat step 1. Time to take the gloves off and protect yourself, your family and your community. We will not be bullied by big cooperations or government!
they’re not going to stop unless we physically stop them. tear down the towers whenever and wherever they put them up. they will never just listen to us. they are psychotic control freaks.
We are already swimming through a soup of radiation. Adding any more, like 5-G will be the straw that breaks the camels back. We have known for decades that modulated microwave radiation can be used as a weapon, so why are they trying to make it appear safe. IT ISN’T, NOT BY A LONG SHOT. Those towers should not be allowed into your neighborhood, PERIOD !
5G is NOT an experiment. They already know it kills you. That’s why they are installing it everywhere. To KILL you. Not ‘experiment’ on you.
We actually don’t have to do any of this at all.
None of this 5G or 4G or anything like it is needed.
We’ve been living for thousands of years without it & done very well.
People were a lot happier before computers & the cloud & all these frequency pollution everywhere… & guess what?….
there were NO PRIVACY BREACHES, NO HACKS taking down the grid & We could be who we are without the ignorant thought police judging everything you might happen to say on the spur of the moment as a sign of madness.
Buy a house out in the country & get off the grid before the grid gets off on you.
Grow your own.
Live like your grandparents did & be happy for Gods sake.
Take the opportunity while you still can.
My friend’s healthy kid suddenly started having seizure after they moved beside huge Gwen Tower array in Kent, Washington. When I visited their house, I was really scared by those huge antenna towers near their house. It is 100% those Gwen Towers caused his seizure.
Brain cancers are also increasing over the last years!
5G is not really for the human population.
Robotics and AI technology, the wave of the future.
Yes and they are going to eat us alive!
Particle Physicist and former employee of CERN
MUST WATCH ! We are delighted to release our latest interview with brave Dr. Katherine Horton Targeted by Nano technology and more, She is more determined than ever to expose this evil.