The residents of Jordan Valley (governorate of Karak), were surprised by pools of water turning pinkish-red near the Dead Sea.

The normally pristine water comes from the mountains in Ghor Al-Hadeetha and fills up craters forming on the shores of the drying Dead Sea.

The red pool is isolated from the sea, and does not drain into it (well no really true if you believe in geology and understand how karstic environments actually work). The water is currently being investigated by officials.

In addition geological and biological investigations have been launched to determine the cause and source of the red color. Bacteria? Red algae? Mineral dissolution?
The Dead Sea is vanishing
In the past four decades over 6,000 sinkholes have appeared along the Israeli side of the Dead Sea, making large sections of the coast too dangerous to enter.
What turned this natural treasure into a trap is simple: the Dead Sea is vanishing.
At 430 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on the planet, sitting at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley.
For millennia the lake has drawn visitors to float in its unusually buoyant, mineral-rich waters, which some say have healing properties.
The craggy hills of the surrounding Judean Desert provided the backdrop for many of the epic events narrated in the Bible.
But the ancient sea is slipping away.
The Dead Sea’s water level is declining by more than a meter a year, and its surface area has shrunk by around a third since the 1960s.
Bordered by Israel, Jordan and the West Bank, the Dead Sea’s water level is largely maintained by inflows from the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River in the north.
In recent decades that flow has been reduced to a trickle.
Farming and industrial-scale mineral extraction are removing more water than can be replenished through natural means.
Over time, scientists like Dr Ish-Shalom have come to more fully understand the link between the plunging sea level and the expanding sinkhole fields.
How the giant sinkholes form
As the Dead Sea’s water level drops, sections of previously inundated land become exposed above the waterline.
The highly saline water leaves behind a thick layer of underground salt about 20 meters below the surface as it recedes.
When fresh water from winter floods washes down from the mountains it infiltrates the ground, dissolving the salt layer and forming an underground cavity.
The cavity eventually collapses, creating a sinkhole.
And now, scientists know the Dead Sea sinkholes are not isolated or small, but are part of giant cave systems called karsts, which carry water underground between the sinkholes (when for example, there is a flash flood event).
Biblical meaning
In the Bible, the Jews crossed the Jordan River to enter the Holy Land. It’s where Jesus was baptised.
Its waters, though much diminished, remain central to Christian rituals, even if they are now mainly sewage and salty discharge from springs.
Estimates show that less than 100 million cubic meters of water reach the Dead Sea every year, compared with historic flows of between 1,200 and 1,300 million cubic meters.
The dead sea is disappearing and the water in the sinkholes are turning red… That’s very apocalyptic, isn’t it? [Alrai, Sahwa Press]
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You should really subscribe to QFiles. You will get very interesting information about strange events around the world.

China doesn’t have to take the US. It will destroy it self from the inside. Well done radical capitalism.
The water becomes blood as in Revelation 16 – “…For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy…” Immorality has long run rampant as it did in Sodom and Gomorrah. No repentance of sin. Persecution of God’s faithful. So as the angels came to earth before to pronounce judgment as documented in Genesis 19, this time they pour out their vials from heaven upon the earth worldwide.
Isn’t this a disgrace? Our imbecile in chief has let the southern border become more porous, and now more drug dealers are flooding our streets with poison.
Stadiums Americans yelling,” Fk Joe Biden.”
Go to a fight club stadium in Florida, Americans yelling, We Love Trump.”
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see, quite clearly, biden was installed as a globalist satanist puppet. People hate your leftist asses, and you will see in your face Justice very soon. People are pissed off!
I’ve seen enough videos of trantifa running away, or fighting like schoolgirls to know how this shjt ends!
???biden the dickweeed!
Hahhaha, looks like dickweeed-biden must have seen the Fk joe biden signs. He goes around mumbling about it in another incoherent brain fart soliloquy with reporters.
??? fk joe biden!
How old are you? Judging by your comment, I’d say 10-12 years old. Please, use a dictionary and thesaurus to advance your vocabulary to adulthood so that other adults can have an intelligent conversation with you.
Screw yourself, distressed country. Piece of crap trollwad.
I’ve read your posts before, distressed country. I’ve yawned many times too. Mostly they bore me, and are rarely noteworthy.
Perhaps you should turn your flag upside down, go hide in your closet, and give grammar lessons to simpletons like yourself?
This is new World Order that sukks indeed. Hell with Vaccines Yes to Trump now.
Yep, Trump was much better, but he was on board with vax, and he should know better. He had operation warp speed, so he messed up. If is I.Q. was as high as people say, then he would know better.
Looks gross.
Warm up the weather warfare machines, and make it rain over there. Clean up that peptol bismol looking shjt.
Happy American Day, you crazy mofo… Btw this red is my tears for you.
Looks like Laura Loomer created a campaign to mock one of your pedosodomite pals.
GFY distressed bitchboy.
Who the hell is Laura Loomer? Why would I care about someone’s ideals, if they don’t even live in my country? Aahahahaha you’re the one who supports Bitcoin from memory, that is a corrupt system that was just used to launder money. Then they got greedy and released it to the public.
I never supported bitcoin, you dumbshjt. Must be another one of your wake and bake moments. Closest thing you ever get to a brainstorm, is a light drizzle.
— trolling isn’t for you, is it simpleton?
Yep and you’re just an in-bred redneck that probably only moves from the computer chair, when you drop your chips.