Mount Hood is currently hit by a swarm of small earthquakes. As of now, about 29 quakes hit the active stratovolcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc.

The largest quake was a M2.8 and hit on October 17, 2021 at 7:42PDT (October 18, 2021 at 2:42am UTC).
The tremors hit at a depth between 0.25 miles (0.4 km) and 1.99 miles (3.2 km), with most of the tremors (23) occuring between 1.30 miles (2.1km) and 1.68 miles (2.7 km).
The last earthquake swarm at Mount Hood occurred in June 2021.
Number of quakes vs time in the last 24 hours

Number of quakes vs time in the last 30 days

Magnitude distribution and energy released in past 24 hours

Most of the earthquakes occurred about 15 hours ago, but the swarm is continuing!

Magnitude distribution and energy released in past 30 days

The seismic activity was low during the last 30 days and picked up about 16 hours ago. There is clearly something going on at Mount Hood right now!

Future eruptions at Mount Hood, Oregon
Mount Hood, which has been active for at least 500,000 years, occupies a long-lived focus of volcanic activity that has produced ancestral Hood-like volcanoes for the past 1.5 million years.
Much of the Mount Hood edifice is formed of lava flows, but eruptive activity during the past 30,000 years has been dominated by growth and collapse of near-summit lava domes to produce broad fans of pyroclastic flow deposits.
Similar deposits were probably formed in Mount Hood’s past but were largely eroded, especially during ice ages, and are poorly represented in the geologic record.
The last two periods of eruptive activity occurred about 1,500 years ago and in the late 18th century.
In addition to Mount Hood, other volcanoes scattered through the nearby area have erupted during the past 500,000 years. In contrast to the long-lived activity at Hood, each of these regional volcanoes was active for a relatively short period of time. The youngest such volcano is the 7-km-long Parkdale lava flow whose vent lies about 12 km north-northeast of the summit of Mount Hood.
When Mount Hood erupts again, it will severely affect areas on its flanks as well as locations far downstream in the major river valleys that head on the volcano.
Volcanoes like Mount Hood are very episodic in their eruptive behavior, and have periods with frequent eruptions over decades to centuries, separated by dormant periods lasting centuries to thousands of years.
The volcano ended a long (~10,000 yr) dormant period about 1,500 years ago and has had two eruptive period of lava-dome growth in the past 1,500 years.

A significant eruption of Mount Hood, such as an eruption of lava domes that collapse to form pyroclastic flows and lahars, would displace several thousand residents and cause billion-dollar-scale damage to infrastructure and buildings.
In addition to a large and growing nearby residential population, Mount Hood is a major recreation destination for skiing, climbing, hiking, camping, and other types of tourism.
There are also significant elements of transportation and electrical power infrastructure in the area, all of which would be affected by future activity and cause major economic losses in the region.
By the way, a new study suggests that the magma sitting 4-5 kilometers beneath the surface of Oregon’s Mount Hood has been stored in near-solid conditions for thousands of years, but that the time it takes to liquefy and potentially erupt is surprisingly short – perhaps as little as a couple of months. So be prepared for the next blast! [PNSN, Volcano Discovery, Oregon State University, USGS]
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You should really subscribe to QFiles. You will get very interesting information about strange events around the world.

95,000 illegal invaders /human bioweapons are being dispersed under the cover of darkness. They are being flown into cities, or bused into cities. They have diseases. Your tax dollars are being used to takeover America.
The idea is to replace citizens with more compliant invaders. The invaders are NOT screened for diseases. There is drug and child trafficking. Some are pedohomos/rapists.
Our government is shitbombing taxpayers with 3rd world parasites. Medical tyrants want to inject taxpayers with fake vax suicide shots, and replace you with more easily manipulated sheeple. This is part of the Cloward-Piven strategy.
Fortunately, this Sheriff has deputized former LEO and military patriots to help keep this shjt out of his state. Kudos!
95,000 illegal invaders.
Not medically screened.
Many are rapists and pedos.
Many are violent criminals.
Vert Low I.Q.
Not employable/generational welfare recipients.
Very Low I.Q./ typo.
Under the Cover of Darkness:
Your replacement population. One of the jobs of the President is to protect its citizens that pay taxes. What we have here is Taxation without representation. Our fake president is a traitor.
50cal Oct 18, 2021 At 8:01 pm
Redchinesey spys stole our technology and clinton gave them access. Goes way back, Mo.
Yes indeed we left our tanks planes in Afghanistan as well.It is most stupid now Russians and Chinese peanut eyes have our info and reverse engineering it now.
Yeah, treason. All day long we get treason from these dirtbags undermining America.
You are famous i made you.. Now Rense news agency Jeff Rense is using your sites news.. I also made you in you tube our friends mike morales he always uses your info.. Deal .. i say what i want … ok
Like AIDS:
Vax attacks immune system. So.when people die from cancers, they will be recorded as cancer deaths. Demon media and politicial demonseeds will double down on vax tyranny.
Mass Rebellion and Revolt is looking like the only solution.
Well increased quake activity is done by globalist and HAARP? Hell to NWo of Bush and Biden… Donald Trump for 2024 or Ivanka for presidency ! We can not loose if we do that means end of USA already if we could save it. USA is finished China has super sonic atom bombs like Russia ?
Redchinesey spys stole our technology and clinton gave them access. Goes way back, Mo.
I texted an old friend that moved to Oregon. No response yet.
We seem to have quite a bit of volcanic and seismic activity all over the globe.
I suspect when some cataclysmic event happens it will be like the times of Noah. Everyone will be doing everyday things like marriage or work, and poof. There goes heathen civilization.
No earthquake felt 60 miles from Mt Hood.
This creature is drunk. Some people do not process alcohol properly. They become belligerent and act like lunatics. She might be a lesbofeminazi?