Coaching is an area where it is important to build trust with prospective clients, and the best way to do this is through social media. Today we will tell you how a coach can win over an audience, reveal the main attributes needed to make an Instagram account famous, and name some free methods to attract followers. In this article, you will learn how you can get a large audience without having to buy Instagram followers.
What should a professional coach blog look like so that people who visit it immediately understands what problems you can solve for them, become your subscribers and then clients?
Before attracting new people, pay attention to the content of the blog. Just as seeds are not sown in unprepared soil, because they will not germinate, so it is here: first we fill and design the account, and only after that we attract subscribers.
How to start designing an account
Be sure to include your contacts in the profile header. However, try not to send customers to WhatsApp and other messengers. Make communication with you as convenient and simple as possible. For example, offer to write in Direct (private messages on Instagram). Do not forget to indicate the method of communication in the posts.
Content plan
It will definitely make it easier to post regularly if you’re having trouble with self-discipline.
Record ideas and questions in notes on your phone or in a notebook that is always with you. Use every free minute to write the text of the publication. Prepare publications in advance.
Determine the frequency of publications for yourself: at first, two publications per day, then one per day.
If you rarely publish any information, then you will not be able to get into the feed of recommendations to a wide audience. In this case, you only have to buy real Instagram followers to gain a large number of followers. This is certainly an effective and simple method, but in addition to it, try to do everything so that people themselves come to you.
The style of publications can be expressed in a single color scheme of the blog. You can design expert posts in a single style to make it easier to find the information you need.
Posts with inscriptions on the photo allow you to quickly find the information you need. But, as practice shows, in the issuance of a photo tape with inscriptions, it shows worse.
Branded tags
Now hashtags are used mainly for navigation within the blog. Create your own tags to quickly find the publications you need, such as #yourname_review or #yourname_case.
The best free way to become famous
This is the guest expert posts in third-party accounts. Owners of thematic accounts are interested in such cooperation. If you provide information that meets the needs of their audience, then it adds value to their own blog.
Guest posts can be posted for free, for money, or for barter.
You can write the text yourself, but first, the owner of the partner account represents you and makes recommendations.
For an expert guest blog, you need to choose a theme that meets the needs of your blog readers. Usually the topic of the post is agreed in advance with its owner.
In general, there are quite a few ways and you can choose and vary them depending on your budget and goals.