Two largest Mars quakes recorded on Red Planet’s far side

Mars surface relief map showing InSight’s location (orange triangle), other located marsquakes (purple dots) that cluster around 30° distance, close to Cerberus Fossae, and S0976a, located within Valles Marineris just north of Sollis Planum. S1000a’s location is predicted to be somewhere within the shaded region between 107° and 147° from InSight. | Horelston et al. (2022) TSR

The seismometer placed on Mars by NASA’s InSight lander has recorded its two largest seismic events to date: a M4.2 and a M4.1 marsquake. The pair are the first recorded events to occur on the planet’s far side from the lander and are five times stronger than the previous largest event recorded.

Seismic wave data from the events could help researchers learn more about the interior layers of Mars, particularly its core-mantle boundary, researchers from InSight’s Marsquake Service (MQS) report in The Seismic Record. is now running ad-free CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK…

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