Flights conducted almost daily! Is Xi delivering weapons to Putin? Russia actively supplies something from China with An-124 cargo planes almost every day


The russian federation has deployed own air bridge to China, while An-124s cargo planes frequently turn off their transponders…

A striking number of Antonov cargo planes are currently operating between China and Russia.
A striking number of Antonov cargo planes are currently operating between China and Russia.

Flight tracking services record regular flights of the An-124 Ruslan heavy cargo transport aircraft of the russian company “Volga-Dnepr” to China. At the same time, russia’s planes do not always turn on the transponder, which makes it difficult to track them. In general, we are talking about about ten flights over the last week.

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The very activity drew attention in China itself, where local spotters posted a video of the russian company’s An-124 Ruslan landing at Zhengzhou airport. The comments to the video also explain that the plane arrived to pick up “military aid, namely equipment, body armor, helmets, clothes, etc.”

Based on the places where the machines land in China, observers assume that the planes are transporting military goods to Russia.
Based on the places where the machines land in China, observers assume that the planes are transporting military goods to Russia.

Also, flight tracking services, in particular Radarbox, show nine An-124 flights to China and only three in the return direction over the past seven days, which directly indicates that the transponder was turned off during some of the flights. Airplanes of aircraft numbers RA-82074, RA-82044, RA-82081 are involved in transportation.

The standard flight runs along the route Moscow-Novosibirsk-Zhengzhou-Novosibirsk-Moscow. The final destination of one of the flights was Urumqi. Overall, Zhengzhou is a powerful logistics and industrial hub and a powerful industrial high-tech zone, including units of Chinese defense giant Norinco. Urumqi is also the production site for a number of industrial giants.

The only airworthy model of the An-225, so to speak the big brother of the An-124, was destroyed in a Russian attack in February.
The only airworthy model of the An-225, so to speak the big brother of the An-124, was destroyed in a Russian attack in February.

Such regular flights, especially with the An-124 Ruslan aircraft with transponders turned off, as well as posts on Chinese social networks lead to the conclusion that the russian federation is sending aircraft for military cargo. Moreover, for the one that is urgently needed right now and cannot wait for it to be delivered by rail.

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It is also worth noting that the flights found are definitely not all that the russian federation made to China with a similar purpose. And only what got into the services of monitoring the flight of civil aircraft. We can only guess about the possible activity of the military transport aviation of the russian federation on similar routes.

So if China were to start supplying arms to the Kremlin, that would probably be a turning point. Russia is already receiving weapons from abroad, such as drones and presumably missiles from Iran. However, China’s army is far larger and massively better equipped and could deliver the Russian troops with state-of-the-art weapon systems.

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However, Iran and China currently have one thing in common: Both countries are being shaken by protests, some of them massive. While more and more people are taking to the streets in Xi Jinping’s empire to protest against the ruling Communist Party’s brutal corona policy, thousands continue to demonstrate daily in Iran for more women’s rights and against the mullahs’ regime. [Focus, Defence, Pictures] has been banned from ad networks and is now entirely reader-supported CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK… Thanks in advance!

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  1. I’m sure NATO satellites where able to track the large An-124 targets. Laughable as not a thing can be done to reprimand or stop the mystery shipments. Western goading and pushing against Russian borders have brought on the clandestine alliance agreements. Now we hear whineing like a jilted schoolgirl.

  2. Interesting. Hard to determine exact purpose. Arms would be logical, but all info indicates Russia has already won. Appears to be little real Ukrainian Military left. Mostly Mercs. NATO is falling apart. Ben Fulford says they’ll be wrapping it up over the next few weeks. Now what the MSN reports could be anything. World-wide war on truth going on from both sides.

    • Agree with you Gary, could also just be humanitarian stuff to help China rebuild after all the natural disasters that affected them recently plus covid etc.

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