Attorney Thomas Liddy gave the closing remarks for the county today after two days of evidence provided by Kari Lake’s team that showed that the 2022 Election in Maricopa County was as messed up as 2020 Presidential election there.
Liddy is the son of G. Gordon Liddy, one of the main characters in Watergate.
Watch the train wreck below:
KARI LAKE TRIAL: Katie Hobbs’ lawyer goes on bizarre rant during closing argument arguing it’s political malpractice to tell voters to vote on Election Day and not vote early
Says Americans choose their own “rulers”
Says you can’t go contest an election in court after results pic.twitter.com/1WNWWmr4ha
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) December 22, 2022
On the Topic of Corrupt Elections:
Anybody watching Brasil? They had massive election fraud. People of Brasil have been marching in protest against the criminal Lula. Do you see any mainstream media covering that story? Gateway Pundit has been covering it. That is the only one I can see.
Our Lamestream pedomedia will not cover that story. They probably don’t want to upset their handlers and sponsors. Like our corrupt government, satanic khazar mafia banksters, and the liberal shitbags that hate our Constitution. Brasil Patriots are doing what Americans should be doing! Millions of Brasil Patriots are fighting against their oppressors. Praise to Brasil!
Judge dismissed Kari Lake’s case. Probably on the sørøs payroll, like Kattie Dykefish Hobbs and the maricopa klownhead board of stupidvisors!
Lake will appeal Thompson’s ruling.
Probably something like this happens, a person calls the judge and says, you will dismiss the case or we will expose you on video cheating on your wife, or a video of judge doing something with a kid. Most political buttclowns are compromised too, same way. Sex extortion goes all the way back to babylon and all the satanic abominations that lived there. Same shit, different flies.
When you have no argument, there’s always 100% pure unadulterated bullshit.
Hobbs is a convicted racist too. People don’t like her. That’s why she had to cheat, certify her own election, and campaign from her basement. Maricopa county is a shithole too.
In case you wanted more on Kari Lake and her trial against the satanic pervert mafia, which has infested that state, TGP is probably the best news coverage. Don’t expect much, the county is controlled and most of the judges are bribed, extorted, installed, or compromised.