Britain’s ‘first non-binary CofE priest’ says ‘God guided me to the truth’

Britain's 'first non-binary CofE priest' came out to their spouse and three children after having a 'revelation' from reading the story of Adam and Eve
Britain’s ‘first non-binary CofE priest’ came out to their spouse and three children after having a ‘revelation’ from reading the story of Adam and Eve

The Church of England’s ‘first’ non-binary vicar said it was ‘difficult’ when they came out to their wife and three children after having a ‘moment of revelation’ while reading the story of Adam and Eve.

Bingo Allison, 36, who defines as gender-queer and uses the pronouns ‘they/them’, experienced an epiphany seven years ago while reading Genesis 1-3 in the Old Testament.

The vicar, who works in Liverpool, said they came to terms with their gender identity while reading the story and realised: ‘There’s space in God’s creation for change and transformation, just because you’re created one way doesn’t mean that you can’t live another’.

Bingo also said their wife found things ‘difficult’ when they first came out because ‘obviously you marry what you think it a straight guy and obviously things are more complicated than that’.

Speaking to BBC Radio Merseyside, Bingo described coming out as a ‘gradual process for me and my family.’

They said: ‘I’m married and I’ve got three children, and it was really important to come out to them, give some time letting them understand about me before I emerged on the world.’

‘My children are young and when you’re little really you accept most things and they’ve been lovely about it.

‘We taught them about trans people before I came out so it wasn’t a completely alien thing for them.’

Bingo continued: ‘It was difficult for my wife to begin with obviously you marry what you think is a straight guy and suddenly things are more complicated than that.

‘But I’d like to believe you marry the person someone becomes as much as you marry the person that they are.’

Bingo, who previously trained to become a priest in Durham, said the Church of England was ‘open to me coming out’ but added that it was ‘difficult’ for some people they had worked with ‘because for them I was the first transgender person they had worked with closely’.

They have since moved to the Liverpool Diocese ‘which does so much to support and empower LGBT people’ and they have found their new congregation ‘wonderful’.

Talking about how it has received them, Bingo added: ‘On the outside you might think “oh, they’re quite a traditional church so they might have traditional views”, but I’ve always been treated as a person and as a priest.’

Bingo is now vocal about gender issues and uses social media to spread their message – including posting selfies with captions saying Jesus ‘loves sparkly eyeshadow’.

The parent of three grew up in a ‘strongly religious’ household in West Yorkshire and was raised to believe being gay was ‘sinful’.

But a 15-year journey, which included meeting other LGBTQ+ Christians, completely changed their ‘very traditional and conservative’ outlook on life, they told the Liverpool Echo.

‘My views used to be very traditional and very conservative certainly. Some might call them bigoted and there was a lot of ignorance and a lot of ”othering”,’ they said.

‘I didn’t take the time to learn from other people’s experiences. I was definitely in a lot of denial and some of that denial came out in denial of other people’s identities.’

Bingo came out seven years ago, halfway through the Church of England’s vicar training programme.

They explained how the language which the bible originally used in Genesis 1:27 spoke about ‘from maleness to femaleness’ as opposed to men and women.

‘I was sitting there in the middle of the night when I realised I might need to run my life upside down – it was a deepening spiritual experience,’ they said.

At that point Bingo had only met two openly gay people and no trans people, and there were times when they questioned their new gender identity.

Now they visit schools and speak to youth groups to encourage other LGBTQ+ people they have a place in the church.

In a speech to a panel on making churches more inclusive, Bingo said Christianity had historically been guilty of prioritising the views of ‘rich, white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, neurotypical men’.

Explaining that they are also autistic and dyspraxic, Bingo wrote: ‘I am passionate about fully including neurodivergent people in the life and faith of the Church, particularly in our telling and retelling of stories from the Bible.

‘The history of biblical interpretation is littered with the opinions of rich, white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, neurotypical men assuming that everyone in the passages that they read thought like them and perceived the world like them.

‘The biases that this creates exclude anyone who doesn’t fit from fully engaging with the Bible, and often lead the church to miss out on vital perspective on all sorts of biblical narratives.

‘So if Biblical scholars tended to be neurotypical and tended to assume that everyone they read about in the Bible was like them unless specifically informed otherwise, what would happen if I assumed the opposite?

‘What if a neurodivergent hermeneutic started with the assumption that, unless specifically informed otherwise, certain characters were neurodivergent?’

Bingo says that during their educational work they are constantly impressed by how ‘open-minded’ younger people are.

Bingo Allison, 36, who defines as gender-queer and uses the pronouns 'they/them', experienced an epiphany seven years ago while reading Genesis 1-3 in the Old Testament.
Bingo Allison, 36, who defines as gender-queer and uses the pronouns ‘they/them’, experienced an epiphany seven years ago while reading Genesis 1-3 in the Old Testament.

A recent survey by Stonewall found that more than a quarter of younger people now identify as LGBT.

The LGBTQ+ charity claimed 71 per cent of Gen Z respondents – those aged 16 to 26 – identify as straight.

The figure is a contrast to the Baby Boomer generation – those aged 56 to 75 – in which 91 per cent described themselves as straight.

Of the next generation, Gen X, described as being those aged 43 to 56, Stonewall said 87 per cent said they were straight.

The figure was 82 per cent for Millennials – those aged 27 to 42 – according to the charity.

In its report, which uses data from polling company Ipsos UK, Stonewall said the results show Britain is becoming a ‘rainbow nation’. [Liverpool Echo] has been banned from ad networks and is now entirely reader-supported CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK… Thanks in advance!

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  1. Folks God said to have no other gods before him.
    This is proof that their are other deities.Also proof that he expected people(in general)
    to worship other God’s.
    The fact that churches have a philosophy that their doctrine is the only right one
    coupled with corruption is why the falling away of the churches[also foretold in the bible] so this particular article doesn’t surprise me in the least.
    My parents left the church way back in the fifties sixties for this reason.It had become a place for business deals rather than worship.
    It’s one thing to accept something it’s another to promote it.Seems the church is promoting this rather than merely accepting it.I say this based on the articles words and his picture.Dont worry they are fulfilling a prophecy promise of sorts.There is a passage in the Bible about babylon.States come out of her my people for her sins and inequities have destroyed men nations.

  2. I think the creature used needle nose pliers to pluck its eyebrows. Don’t they have electrolysis out there yet?

  3. They’re creepy and they’re kooky,
    Mysterious and spooky,
    They’re altogether ooky,
    The Addams Family.

    Their house is a museum
    When people come to see ’em
    They really are a scream
    The Addams Family.

    [snap twice]
    [snap twice]
    [snap twice]

    So get a witch’s shawl on
    A broomstick you can crawl on
    We’re gonna pay a call on
    The Addams Family.


      • Well, Klaus Schwab already said God is dead. Jesus said I lay my life down freely and he said he had to power to take it up, which means Jesus was God and co-equel. God is the one who gave these people up to a rebrobate mind, for one reason, they would not acknowledge in their forethought. So anyone that will not acknowledge god and his Son Jesus as being co-equal in the trinity be careful, Romans goes on to say they knew God but did not accept him as the true God. With all the paganism involved in Christmas and resurrection day involving an easter bunny, and santa claus its no wonder God is upset and jealous.

      • Kevin makes good points in his narrative. Seen his other posts that ring true before too. Yes, the paganization of our Holy Days(holidays) probably does not set well with The Lord. I think about it all too often myself. However, speaking for myself, I try and enjoy the good tidings and fellowship aspect, and keep to my true beliefs about Holy Days. No sense in being a Grinch or Scrooge.

        Yes, that entire WEF kabal is blashemous and evil. They have infiltrated governments and will stop at nothing to destroy humanity. God help us all.

  4. Those surveys on the faggityness of differing generations sound corrupt. Probably sodomites padding the numbers to recruit more sodomites. Media does the same thing with surveys and polls to shape opinions and behavior.

    My guess is probably 3-4% of America is some type of perverted weirdo, or a certfiable mental case like our resident anonymous trollbecile.

    • I saw a video online about “safe real essential” RD approved childhood shou.ts causing distortions in childrens’/babies’ facial structures. And they have boy and girl DNA mixed in to create a new species, even without Monsterna.

      • There’s a massive amount of controlled opposition in the T.E.RF and “prolife” movements that claim to protect girls and women/babies/children, when they’re all praising equally degenerate hom.osxuality/feminism/childhood CDC vvckine schedule that’s causing all these life-threatening, rage/s. and self harm inducing GD problems. We don’t want to see more Kayden Clarkes or Leelah Alcorns in the future but it’s sadly unavoidable now, in part due to the CDC vckseen scedule.

        Anyone who thinks I’m trying to intentionally portray unfettered L.GB.TQ and d. queens/surgeries as a “good” thing or thinks there has somehow been a safe vksceen in existence, needs to regularly read Loss of brain trust and also see real truther channels such as TimTruth/CoronaMirror/TrumpetForYahweh instead of pro-RD/pro politician propaganda.

        Rome never went away, USA is American Rome/Babylon the Great and will be destroyed very soon along with these fools, regardless of whether they’re D or R.

  5. Thanks to evil CFR puppet Ronald Raygun blasting away all liability for damage caused by “safer smaller essential” childhood snakebites/vccckksines, and that’s just in the USA. England? The diabolical effects of “safer real” v.cines is much easier to see, and more concentrated than in the large, sparsely populated USA. Unfortunately, all these MAGA politicians are equally as pro NB vcckzine/pro ASD vkxcine as the Dcats are, you CANNOT be a politician today unless you are pro vkksine, pro Roman Israel, pro nation worship, pro-military (including vksines) and pro pharmaceuticals (TimTruth exposed that “Ivypectin” – decode – is very likely a spermicide and can cause lethal brain inflammation and the “miracle drug” is being sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates).

    Buckle up, the Neurodiversity “acceptance growth” (epidemic) will never go away, and all these “savior” politicians and governors are also behind it for decades.

      • I am not schizo. What a disgusting insult against truthers who aren’t corporate pay.triot clowns. This poor lad has obviously been vskcine injured long before the new ones, just like i have (never took any new nor c thing j.a.b.s but was severely injured and disabled by the childhood flu sho.uts back in the early 2010’s). I can’t work because of the “safer smaller” Del Bigtree-style vckine scedule that severely handicapped me. I would rather be physically taken out by some angry pay.triot frogman in a camo suit than accept the mark or worship USA babylom.

    • Ivermectin is a antiparasitical not a spermacide.That would be nornoxil(spelling may be off on the last word.Its close enough for you to google it.
      Your complaint about vaccines doesn’t include where the true damage happened.It wasn’t the vaccines themselves but the preservatives used.
      Thermopolis or minute amounts of mercury.If you are allergic to either it can cause problems.Most kids inthe us at least are tested if there’s any reason to believe an allergy exists.Also most vaccines aren’t of the live attenuated variety any more.Also stopping potential outbreaks to the unvaccinated.

  6. I knew back in 1976 Benny Hill was a bad idea. Now all the transvestite weirdos are popping out of the woodpile.

    • Perhaps if it re-read Romans? Maybe the lightbulb will go off over its head?

      Bingo! —Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

    • If I was inclined to go to church, I’d find another one. Ignore this sick dude. He is very confused and certainly not a leader.

      • These whackos say, God guided me to the truth, but I think they misinterpret God’s voice for the Father of all lies. Spiritual discernment does not happen with people/perverts that twist scripture, only delusions.

  7. Proof you can twist the Bible to mean anything you want. The many different churches with their own interpretation prove that. And they all say they follow exactly what the Bible says. That’s why Jesus said, “If you want to know me, look within”. And care for others as much as self. That’s the message. Empathy. The Satanists only care for themselves (EVIL). Lack Empathy. All the rules made up by churches reduce Empathy. Move you spiritually in the wrong direction. You get so caught up in following rules you lose empathy for others. “He wasn’t following the rules”, mindset. This guy needs help. Unless he is just an Agent to con the people.

    • That’s why I stick to the tried and true King James Bible and base my faith upon it and not any church or institution of man. The KJV Bible cannot be twisted even though many try to make it say things it doesn’t say. Taken in context, the Bible makes complete and total sense.

    • Ivermectin is a antiparasitical not a spermacide.That would be nornoxil(spelling may be off on the last word.Its close enough for you to google it.
      Your complaint about vaccines doesn’t include where the true damage happened.It wasn’t the vaccines themselves but the preservatives used.
      Thermopolis or minute amounts of mercury.If you are allergic to either it can cause problems.Most kids inthe us at least are tested if there’s any reason to believe an allergy exists.Also most vaccines aren’t of the live attenuated variety any more.Also stopping potential outbreaks to the unvaccinated.

      There is a passage in the Bible that describes this quite well
      He decieves the very elect.He being Satan

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