That picture is hilarious


And the size of the image above is 777 x 777

Spiritual awakening?

Here is the original picture… Look at all the deatails…

Here are some 7000 year old artifacts found in the Al Ubaid archaeological site (modern Iraq) depicting human-like figures with the characteristics of lizards. The age of the artifacts is estimated to be even older than the civilization of the Sumerians…

Here an excerpt from Thoth, Tablet 8, The Key of Mystery

Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,

speak of the days

of the Kingdom of Shadows,

speak of the coming

of the children of shadows.

Out of the great deep were they called

by the wisdom of earth-men,

called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed,

men there were who delved into darkness,

using dark magic, calling up beings

from the great deep below us.

Forth came they into this cycle.

Formless were they of another vibration,

existing unseen by the children of earth-men.

Only through blood could they have formed being.

Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,

driven below to the place whence they came.

But some there were who remained,

hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.

Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,

but at times they appeared among men.

Aye, when the blood was offered,

for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,

but only to sight were they as are men.

Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted

but appearing to man as men among men.

Crept they into the Councils,

taking forms that were like unto men.

Slaying by their arts

the chiefs of the kingdoms,

taking their form and ruling o’er man.

Only by magic could they be discovered.

Only by sound could their faces be seen.

Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows

to destroy man and rule in his place.


Guys, it’s time to wake up!

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