Biological warfare, plagues, pathogens and extinctions: ‘Abundant’ live fungi, bacteria, viruses, found high in Earth’s atmosphere, new study reveals


These findings support Dr Wickramasinghe’s research on viruses from space, and their possible role in evolution – as well as their possible role in (near) extinction; because a number of plagues throughout history, like the Black Death, could not have traveled at the speeds, across the terrain, and at the time of year, that they did, unless they were spread via the air. Which, notably, was partly what people believed at the time.

Abundant live fungi, bacteria, viruses, found high in Earth atmosphere
Abundant live fungi, bacteria, viruses, found high in Earth atmosphere. FLEXPART space-time simulations 4 days back in time for each individual day of flights for all 10 flights in February and April of 2014. © Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2404191121

A team of climate, health and atmospheric specialists in Spain and Japan has found abundant live fungi, bacteria and viruses high in the Earth’s atmosphere. In their study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group collected air samples from altitudes of 1,000-3,000 meters.

Prior research has shown that dust can travel thousands of miles in the atmosphere — large amounts of dust from Africa are carried to both North and South America, for example. Prior research has also shown that microbes that attach to dust can be carried equally far.

For this new study, the researchers wondered how high in the atmosphere microbes might be found and whether they could survive the trip. To learn more, they chartered a small plane that carried them aloft over parts of Japan, where they collected air samples at altitudes of 1,000-3,000 meters near the planetary boundary. They also gathered weather data related to the air column in areas where they had flown.

In an air-controlled lab, they conducted a DNA analysis on the microbes found in the samples as a way to identify what they were and also which types. They found examples of fungi, bacteria and viruses, many of which, the team noted, are hazardous to human health.

They also found that many of the microbes were still viable — they grew cultures of them in lab dishes. In all, the team found 266 types of fungi and 305 types of bacteria. And it seems reasonable that many were still viable, after all, Tardigrades can survive the vacuum of space…

The researchers noted that many of both types were of the kind that are often found in soil or plants. They suspect that due to the geographic location of the microbes, the height at which they were found and the speed of the winds carrying them, that the majority of them came from China, which meant they had traveled at least 2,000 kilometers.

The research team suggests that bio-pathogens are capable of traveling thousands of kilometers at high altitudes, possibly representing a way to spread diseases.
More information: Xavier Rodó et al, Microbial richness and air chemistry in aerosols above the PBL confirm 2,000-km long-distance transport of potential human pathogens, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2404191121

Journal information: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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  1. Actually they know how those biologics got in into atmosphere . The biologic bacteria and fungi they aeriesol into atmosphere for ice nucleation to cloud seed with their weather modification to cause snow and rain They use words to obscure their actions. It’s not Chen trails it’s weather modification. And they use harmful bacteria and fungi because it’s the only way to save the planet they say. Pseudomonas syringue bacteira is is for snow. Mycoplasma is also used. The recent fog was their controlled research on fog transport of bacteria serreria marcensens bacteria was added with fog Im not going to mention the sodium dioxide and nitrogen oxide they use I suppose too they can research acid rain. They simply chase it to study it .

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