I will exposed on this page a few pictures I made during a research expedition back in 2006 in Antarctica. The goal of this 2 months long project was to get the first sample and information about the Pine Island Bay area, a remote spot which is almost not possible to reach with boats because of the rapid ice formation (we could had get stuck but did not!). So we were lucky to gather the first data (magnetic, ice and sediment cores, petrographic, seismic and biological). Through this scientific adventure I was able to discover a part of the beautiful Antarctic continent that I hope will never loose its magic, its feeling of freedom. My pictures hopefully will show you different facets of Antarctica such as icebergs, animals (whales, seals, birds, weird aquatic specimens), but also the ship we traveled on and the different antarctica stations we delivered with food and mail. I finally hope you will enjoy this travel in one of the most mystic place on Earth.
Please let me know how you like the pictures and if you would like to use some.
Pictures of Antarctica Ice Shelf
Pictures of Antarctica Icebergs