Haunting Polyphonic Overtone Singing by Anna-Maria Hefele


Listen to polyphonic overtone singing by Anna-Maria Hefele! Literally breathtaking!

It’s an almost inhuman ability to create two tones at a time in a single breath. It’s mind-blowing!

Polyphonic Overtone Singing, Polyphonic Overtone Singing video, video of Polyphonic Overtone Singing, Polyphonic Overtone Singing by Anna-Maria Hefele, Overtone singing, overtone chanting, harmonic singing, throat singing
Polyphonic Overtone Singing by Anna-Maria Hefele

Humans are incredible and can do amazing things with their bodies and souls. This video shows Anna-Maria Hefele singing polyphonic overtones. Breathtaking!

Overtone chanting – also known as harmonic singing or throat singing – has originated from south western Mongolia and is the same technique used by Tuvan throat singers, which actually sound like didgeridoos:

I tried to sing polyphonic overtones but I failed… What about you?

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