Lost continent discovered beneath Iceland


lost continent iceland, Lost continent discovered under Iceland, Lost continent, lost continent below iceland, lost continent under iceland, Lost continent iceland, Lost continent PNAS iceland, Scientists believe to have discovered lost continent in Southeast Iceland. as they discovered continental material in the lava in an outlet outlet glacierScientists believe to have discovered remnants of a lost continent in Southeast Iceland.

They stumbled upon continental material in the lava around Öræfajökull, a Vatnajökull outlet glacier.

Was this material recycled through the plume or is this truely the a trace of a lost continent?

[quote_box_center]They argue that the plume split off a sliver of continent from Greenland in the Early Eocene. This sliver is now located beneath southeast Iceland where it locally contaminates some of the plume-derived magmas.[/quote_box_center]

Read the full article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

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