Loud bang as meteor disintegrates in the sky of Parana, Brazil


A meteor exploded in the sky of Brazil on September 22, 2015.

Yes, a flash of green light came down from heaven in a cloud of fire with a fiery tail, before exploding in a big bang… Did you see it? Did you hear it?

I think the guy is the video is trying roller blades… Too bad for him, the interresting thing happened in its back. Be careful @ around 7 sec:

The fireball video was recorded at around 7:40 pm in Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil, but has also been reported in several other cities in the state.

meteor brazil september 23 2015,meteor brazil september 2015 Paraná, meteor brazil september 2015 video, equinox meteor parana brazil, september 22 2015 meteor Brazil

Witnesses reported a large ball of fire falling down to Earth with an angle of about 45 degrees. In Palotina and Alton, two other cities in the same region, the fire department received several calls of residents reporting the fireball exploding in a large bang.

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1 Comment

  1. […] No earthquakes have been recorded in Virginia or Maryland yesterday. But when I hear people talking about glowing lights, fire… I first think ‘meteor’, than when such a large area is rattled and hear the same noise, than again I think ‘meteor explosion’. And what about you? Did you hear it? Did you feel it?  A giant meteor was seen disintegrating over Brazil on September 22, 2015. […]

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