M5.6 Earthquake Hits Off El Hierro, Canary Islands – Tremors Felt In Tenerife 250 Miles Away – Next Magma Intrusion Begins


A M5.6 earthquake hit 180km (112 miles) east of El Hierro, the smallest and youngest island of the Canary Islands, on September 26, 2019.

The tremors were recorded as far as Tenerife, more than 400kms (250 miles) away from the epicenter. According to specialists, the next magma intrusion begins at El Hierro volcano.

el hierro M5.6 earthquake canary islands, earthquake swarm el hierro canary island
M5.6 earthquake hits off El Hierro island in the Canary Islands. A swarm is also clearly visible just off the island. Earthquake map via IGN

As show in the map below, the strong M5.6 earthquake was recorded on several seismometers as fa as Tenerife, more than 250 miles away from the epicenter.

earthquake el hierro recorded by seismometers across Canary Islands
The strong earthquake was so strong it has been recorded by seismometers on several islands across the archipelago.

Data show El Hierro was first hit by an earthquake swarm that began on September 25, 2019.

Earthquake swarm El Hierro, Canary Islands on September 25-26, 2019
Earthquake swarm El Hierro, Canary Islands on September 25-26, 2019

This swarm announces the next intrusion of magma at El Hierro, according to specialists. The last few intrusions degassed below sea level after rocking the entire edifice as the magma gradually made its way to the surface from its origin below the bay where the original volcano slumped to the ocean floor millennia ago.

Meanwhile, El Tiede volcano in Tnerife has been hit by an earthquake swarm about 10 days ago.

el tiede volcao earthquake swarm, earthquake swarm tenerife
Earthquake swarm hits on the south flank of El Tiede volcano on Tenerife in September 2019. Map via IGN

The seismic unrest is now spreading across the world. Hopefully, this situation will not end up with a cataclismic eruption. Be ready!

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1 Comment

  1. THE LORD,who no one knows in america says.. the TIDAL WAVE will reach the EAST COAST IN 4 1/2 hours,and be several hundred feet high..HE also said the scientists and everyone on the news will lie about its size and the time it will take it to reach america,THE US MILITARY PLANTED TWO NUCLEAR WEAPONS on the volcano to be sure it go’s when they want it too,get off the east coast…the TIDAL WAVES will go into the foothills of the mountains…..

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