Mexico: Police investigates death as murder and not self defense from rape

Mexico prosecutors withdraw case against woman sentenced to prison for killing man raping her
Mexico prosecutors withdraw case against woman sentenced to prison for killing man raping her. A_P

The police investigated the death as a murder and not self defense from rape. That’s why the case is being “thrown out “. The police didn’t do their job. Stuff like this happens all the time in the USA also where years later the “convicted” person is released from jail and declared innocent.

It’s a textbook case of victim blaming:

Despite Ruiz telling police she had been raped, a forensic exam was never done, a crucial step in prosecuting sexual violence cases, Carrera said. Instead, an officer responded that she probably wanted to have sex with the man at first and then changed her mind, the lawyer said.

lol. “then changed her mind” that is literally the definition of not consenting. [AP NEWS]

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1 Comment

  1. Oh well, she killed the rapist. Says so under the picture. That’s good. They let her skate with making investigative errors on purpose? Could be how it played out?

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