Strange Sounds: Loud booms, Southern New Jersey, USA, October 21, 2012


Strange Sounds: Loud booms, Southern New Jersey, USA, October 21, 2012

Residents of Salem, Camden, Atlantic, and Ocean, New Jersey reported hearing a loud boom and feeling the ground shake around 11:03 am Saturday morning. This is the second time these booming sounds are heard this month in Southern New Jersey. The source remains however unknown. Although officials labeled the incident a “sonic boom”, the Air Force denies. The USGS also states that the Strange Sounds are not related to any Earthquakes. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service suppose that the loud booms and ground shaking are related to a sonic boom created by a plane.

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  1. It just happened again, heard in lower Manhattan, 5/15/13 at approx. 9:10 PM +/- It sounded like it was coming from west side/or NJ. It’s extraordinarily loud, powerful, booming/banging — and somewhat rhythmical, starts and stops, with no rain or thunder, for many minutes.

  2. My and husband and I was awakened on October 22, 2012 at 3:30 am from a loud booming sound. The boom was about 3 seconds apart from each other and continued for about 15 to 20 minutes. What is going on?

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