Loud booms will be heard around camp Pendleton this weekend due to marine trainings – March 1 2013


Loud booms will be heard around Camp Pendleton this weekend as Marines use C-4 explosives to practice clearing minefields under combat conditions, base officials announced today. The mine-clearing exercises will take place from 6 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Saturday through Tuesday, according to Pendleton’s public affairs office. Depending on atmospheric conditions, the sounds of explosions may be amplified and heard up to 50 miles away. Residents with questions about the noise level can call base officials at 760-725-0357.

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  1. I saw many explosions on Camp Pendeltons grounds, Casey Springs even where the Wild Buffalo roam are. Never ever seen warnings for loud noise to the public? Must be something new, for I was a C-4 specialist, Very strange?
    Better yet just another cover false flag for all the strange sounds that have been heard throughout the world as of late.

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