Amazing Space Phenomenon: Water Geysers Erupt From Jupiter’s Icy Moon Europa


Water spouts taller than Mt Everest appear to burst out of Europa, Jupiter’s icy moon, when it is farthest from its planet. This may reinforce that Europa is one of the most promising places to find extraterrestrial life in our Solar System.

Water Geysers, space mystery: water geyser on Europa, water in the solar system, weird space phenomenon: water geyser europa, europa water geyser, jupiter's icy moon europa spouts water, water spouts on europa, europa, jupiter's moon europa, Water Geysers europa, Water Geysers Jupiter, search for alien life, astronomy latest discovery, life on europa, water geyser in the solar system, is itpossible to probe water from europa jupiter's icy moon, europa: jupiter's icy moon, facts about jupiter's icy moon Europa, news and facts about europa, Water Geysers on the surface of Jupiter's Europa, Space discovery: The water geysers at the surface of Europa are tallest than Mt Everest. They were discovered by Hubble (NASA)
Space discovery: The water geysers at the surface of Europa are tallest than Mt Everest. They were discovered by Hubble (NASA)

These images of huge water spouts bursting out of Europa’s  south pole were shot by the Hubble Space Telescope. According to the study published in the journal Science, these represent surpluses of hydrogen and oxygen. So this would mean that, if confirmed as water vapour plumes,  Europa’s underground ocean can be accessed from its surface!

This is pretty exciting. If these plumes really exist, then they are bringing up material from the ocean. And perhaps there are organic molecules and others signs of life lying there on the surface of Europa.

Now search for life guys!

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