Death Penalty 2013: Worldwide Executions on the Rise According to Amnesty International


I thought it would be interesting for you to know that the number of known executions worldwide is on the rise and reached 778 last year, according to a new report of Amnesty International. As for almost everything, China is number one and will probably stay in this position for longer.

This infographic showcasts the death sentences and executions worldwide in 2013, death sentences and executions worldwide, death sentences and executions worldwide 2013, death penalty, death penalty map, death penalty infographic, death penalty in 2013, manesty international death penalty in 2013, wolrdwide execution in 2013, number of worldwide executions in 2013, number of death penalty in the world, number of execution in the world in 2013, death penalty in 2013, This infographic presents the death penalty in 2013 worldwide.
This infographic showcasts the death sentences and executions worldwide in 2013. By AFP

The death penalty is on the rise, according to new data from Amnesty International. China is number one. It is thought to have killed more citizens than the rest of the world put together. On the second place we find Iran, followed by Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the United States. Fifth place… I thinks its a diploma during Olympic Games!

The number of known executions worldwide rose to at least 778 last year following a surge in Iraq and Iran. But keep in mind! This infographic only reports the known executions. Probably many more were carried out in secret.


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