Space Mystery: What is This Strange Spherical Object on Asteroid 25143 Itokawa?


A mysterious spherical object has been detected on Asteroid 25143 Itokawa! And even JAXA images show them. What could it be?

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Mysterious Spherical Object Detected on Asteroid 25143 Itokawa – JAXA images – Before

A huge mysterious spherical object appears in the new images taken by Hayabusa JAXA Asteroid Explorer probe.

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Mysterious Spherical Object Detected on Asteroid 25143 Itokawa – JAXA images – After

What is this incredible object and from where it come? Perhaps Japan has dicovered an Alien object? Some investigators speak about “Extraterrestrial” outposts on some asteroids and moons of many planets of our solar system. Why has Japan visited this asteroid rather than many, many others?

Perhaps Japan had previously observed that anomaly?

Or could it be simply water ice? In space, water has its own gravity, so it forms a globe! Maybe was the asteroid close enough to the sun for the water to melt, form a globe, before reforming into ice as the asteroid left the sun’s heat.

Well what do you think? Incredible, no?

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