Strange Animal Behavior: The Male Jawfish Carries and Nurses 400 Eggs in its MOUTH (VIDEO)


This is more an amazing behavior than a strange behavior! I find it actually incredible!

The male jawfish carries and nurses about 400 eggs at a time in its MOUTH!

The fascinating breeding habits of the jawfish, The fascinating breeding habits of the jawfish photo, The fascinating breeding habits of the jawfish video, The fascinating breeding habits of the jawfish who nurses 400 eggs in his MOUTH, Male jawfish mouthbrooding, jawfish hatching, male jawfish hatching video, strange hatching behavior, strange fish behavior, strange animal behavior video: male jawfish hatching,Strange animal behavior: male jawfish nurses and carries eggs in his mouth, male jawfish hatching behavior,
Male jawfish mouthbrooding

The male jawfish is about six-inch long. During reproduction, the female lays about 400 eggs inside his mouth. Then he fertilizes and nurses them. While mouthbrooding, the male jawfish has to keep its mouth open for oxygen to reach the eggs! What a responsability!

Strange animal behavior: The amazing breeding behavior of male jawfish video, video of the Strange animal behavior: The amazing breeding behavior of male jawfish, strange breeding behavior jawfish, strange animal breeding behavior, Strange animal behavior: The amazing breeding behavior of male jawfish
Strange animal behavior: The amazing breeding behavior of male jawfish

These photos are from wildlife photographer and conservationist Zafer Kizilkaya and were taken in said he had never seen one so big when he set his eyes upon it during a dive.

Yeah, so before complaining about carrying a baby in your tummy think about the poor male jawfish!

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