This massive crop circle appeared on June 20 2014 in Poirino, Italy.
But guys, it is a sculpture by Francesco Grassi!

This huge crop circle was created in the night of June 20 2014 near Poirino, Italy by crop circle artists Francesco Grassi and Co. They named their art work: “LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) Clock.” Look at the scale of this amazing atomic clock. It is much much larger than the tiny cars in the upper left of the picture! Wow!
You can get more pictures of this nature art piece on Grassi’s Facebook page.
As debunked in this IO9 blog article, there’s no reason to think that crop circles are the work of aliens – particularly when human pranksters have already admitted to making them – but they’re still mysterious… not to mention a fascinating junction point between physics and art.
The author said he was inspired by this crop circle from last year: Crop Circle at Cavallo Grigio, Italy – 30 June 2013