Rare Cloud Phenomenon During Massive Week-End Storms In England: Undulatus Asperatus Hovers Midlands on June 9 2014

Such sightings are rare and a real surreal experience!


People around Bridgnorth were lucky enough to see a rare cloud formation named “Undulatus Asperatus” over their heads on June 8, 2014 just before massive storms hit the region.

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Undulatus asperatus clouds were spotted over the Midlands during massive lightning storms on June 9 2014. Photo by @AGJMills

According to Shropshire Stars storms in the area created a bit of a chaos with one missing, flooding in Albrighton, lightning, and the delay of practice rounds for the PGA Euro Pro Tour at Astbury Hall Golf Course, near Bridgnorth.

Over the weekend, about 7,000 lightning bolts were thought to have struck the country, containing an estimated 1.75million kilowatt-hours of energy and hit at least three homes.

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