Unexpected: Aerial Fish Stocking In Utah…OMG Chemtrails Are FISH!

Just like chemtrails, this plane is spraying fish into a US lake!


You will not see this every day! It was my first time!

The plane is actually bombing a remote lake with fish from the air.

Aerial fish stocking gif. Gif image: Youtube video via Sploid, Aerial Fish Stocking, Aerial Stocking, Aerial Stocking video, Aerial Fish Stocking video, video of Aerial Fish Stocking, Unexpected: Aerial Fish Stocking In Utah...OMG Chemtrails Are FISH!, This plane is spraying fish into a US lake Just like chemtrails!, plane is spraying fish into a US lake, Unexpected: Aerial Fish Stocking In Utah...OMG Chemtrails Are FISH!, Airplane drops fish bombs to repopulate lake, How to Properly Throw Trout From an Airplane, Just like chemtrails this plane is spraying fish into a US lake!, This plane is spraying fish into a US lake Just like chemtrails! Amazing video!
Aerial fish stocking gif. Gif image: Youtube video via Sploid

Just like chemtrails, this plane is spraying fish into an US lake! Can you just imagine being a fish and hanging out in the plane and the HO MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME HOLY SHIT I AM GOING TO DIE!

But how to properly throw fish from a plane? What is the terminal velocity of a fish? What percent of them survive the impact? So many questions. According to Gizmodo, this velocity is about 30 miles an hour.

OMG, chemtrails are FISH! LOL!

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