Terrifying Moment: Lightning Hits Woman Inside Bathroom


A lightning hits woman inside bathroom! Amazing but true!

This Gorham (Maine) woman is recovering from blisters on her foot after being struck by lightning in her bathroom Wednesday.

A Maine woman was alarmed when lightning managed to hit her house and shoot out of a bathroom light, striking her as storms rumbled outside.

gorham woman struck by lightning, gorham woman struck by lightning in bathroom, gorham woman struck by lightning in home, lightning hits woman in bathroom in maine, gorham woman hits by lightning in her home in Maine, This lucky Gorham woman was struck by a lightning during storm in Maine. Photo: Video
This lucky Gorham woman was struck by a lightning during storm in Maine. Photo: Video

This woman named Christine Poore was very lucky. She is now recovering after she was struck by a lightning inside her bathroom. Poore only suffers some blistering to her foot, but is otherwise ok. Really lucky!

The lightning bolt hit as she was doing her hair. It sent a current through the house’s wiring that exploded through a light fixture above her. The current also came through a TV in the bedroom.

There is really no damage to the outside of the home and luckily the lightning strike didn’t cause a fire.

It told you! This woman is very lucky!

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