Are Aliens Playing Tennis? Mystery Round Rock Found on Mars By Curiosity Rover


The Curiosity Rover has, once again, spotted a mystery round rock at the surface of Mars.

The finding highlights how unusual rock formations on Mars can be. Learn what caused it and what it was created in the following article.

mysterious round rock mars, mars round concretion, mars round rock, strange rock found on mars, strange rocks on mars, weird geology mars, mysterious geological formation mars, mars strange geology, mars geological oddity, This mysterious round rock was photographed by the Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars. Geological oddity on Mars
This mysterious round rock was photographed by the Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars. Geological oddity on Mars

Once again, Nasa’s Curiosity rover has spotted a unique round rock on Mars. It looks like a ball, a one-cm ball. Are aliens playing tennis? According to NASA scientists, the 1cm sphere actually was actually created by a unique Martian weather effect. As explained by MSL scientists, the bead is probably an example of Martian concretion. Within the newly forming sedimentary rock on Mars, pores are inevitably created and minerals seep into those pores, gradually building up an erosion-resistant mass. Over time, the soft sedimentary rock is eroded away, leaving a perfectly spherical mass.

I would like to think that aliens are playing tennis, golf or any other kinds of ball sports… They will tell us during their next visit!

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