Divine Message: Crop Circles Appear in Texcoco, Mexico on Christmas Day


Nobody knows how they got there, but all locals agree: It’s a divine message from the outer world!

Look at these mysterious figures or crop circles that appeared in a field at the Tria Ranch in La Magdalena, Texcoco, Mexico on December 25, 2014.

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In any cases, the message left in this field will be pretty hard to decipher as it does not contain any sharp and define patterns.

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Large numbers of people visit the spot situated at kilometer 20.5 of the Lechería-Texcoco highway.

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Figures have lost shape due to visitors walking in the crop. Moreover, the landowner doesn’t want people stepping on his field as he wants to cut it down soon for his cows.

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But people believing its a message from God still want to contemplate and protect those alien crop circles. Some even want the Mexican government to conserve it.

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Many people are removing some crops to tell their children what they have seen there.

Well, I would like to know if strong winds were blowing yesterday in the region.

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Moreover, I would like to know how many people were sent to the local hospital for being drunk.

Then I will start believing that giants or any kinds of divine creatures wrote this mysterious message!

What do you think these strange figures are?

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