Unearthed articles from the 1960s describe how Halliburton & Co. buried nuclear waste beneath the Earth’s surface for decades.
And this in order to dispose the by-products of post-World War II atomic energy production.
And here we thought fracking was a relatively new industrial phenomenon growing in popularity over just the last couple of decades. Boy were we wrong.
Several published newspaper accounts from the Spring of 1964 concerning a then-newly disclosed plan to dump nuclear waste produced by the atomic energy industry into hydraulic fracturing (fracking) wells using a cement slurry technique developed by Halliburton & Co. The top two fracking companies in the nation at the time were Halliburton and Dowell, a subsidiary of Dow Chemical.
Revealed within these articles is Halliburton’s long-standing relationship with the secret government and deep ties between the oil and nuclear industries.
Teaming up with the U.S. Government and Union Carbide Corp., who operate nuclear materials divisions at the Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee, Halliburton was then credited with “solving” the radioactive waste problem faced by America’s secretive nuclear industry. Dumping waste via fracking had apparently been going on since 1960, according to the reports, but was only made public here in 1964.

These articles ran in the:
- April 19, 1964 edition of the Great Bend Tribune
- April 22, 1964 edition of the Warren Times-Mirror
- April 26, 1964 edition of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal
- May 3, 1964 edition of the San Antonio Express News
- June 15, 1964 edition of the Denton Record Chronicle.
Of course they want to continue:
How long can this madness continue until it winds up tainting every drinking glass in America?
Engineer Mario Salazar, who worked as a technical expert for 25 years with the EPA’s underground injection program in Washington, told ProPublica’s Abrahm Lustgarten something that should give us all pause about how radioactive nuclear waste and industrial pollutants in general are being handled, and where they may ultimately end up:
[quote_box_center]In 10 to 100 years we are going to find out that most of our groundwater is polluted. A lot of people are going to get sick, and a lot of people may die.[/quote_box_center]
Read the whole article entitled: Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades.