New glass frog discovered in Costa Rica – Hyalinobatrachium dianae


A new species of glass frog has been discovered tucked away in the Talamanca mountains.

Glass frogs can only be found in parts of Central and South America and are so translucent that their organs are visible from their underside.

New glass frog Costa Rica dianae, New glass frog Hyalinobatrachium dianae, dianae new glass frog, Hyalinobatrachium dianae new glass frog costa rica, costa rica new glass frog discovered photo, picture dianae new glass frog costa rica
New glass frog Hyalinobatrachium dianae has giant eyes. Photo: Brian Kubicki

This tiny, semi-translucent frog lurked out of scientists’ sight during more than a century. Now Hyalinobatrachium dianae has made its world debut in February in the taxonomy journal Zootaxa.

While H. dianae shares many characteristics of other glass frogs, the nocturnal frog’s strange call is what most distinguishes it as a separate species.

The new glass frog from Costa Rica is so translucent that its organs are visible from below!, New glass frog Costa Rica dianae, dianae new glass frog, Hyalinobatrachium dianae new glass frog costa rica, costa rica new glass frog discovered photo, picture dianae new glass frog costa rica
The new glass frog is so translucent that its organs are visible from below! Photo: Brian Kubicki

It’s advertisement call – used by male frogs to attract females for mating – is quite unique. It’s different than any other species that has been discovered. H. dianae’s advertisement is a long metallic whistle with rapid pulses, similar to an insect’s call.

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