It’s raining like hell across Switzerland since a few days!
Now, some parts of the capital city, Bern are flooded and lakes inthe area are reaching an alarming level! Watch the impressive pictures below!

The flood situations at Lake Thun and along the Aare – river that runs through Bern – are stabilized, the water lever of lake Biel is still rising.

In the early afternoon, Lake Biel was even 18 centimeters above the flood limit due to the rise of the Saane, the scythe or the Emme rivers.

People are rporting electric shocks in flooded basements.

In Wallis, the situation has also calmed eventhough the ski resort Les Crosets will be cut from the rest of the world for another week.

In Basel, the navigation on the Rhine has been locked on Wednesday morning as the river crossed the mark of 790 centimeters.

The situation in the canton of Bern is still critical and the outflow of the Aare river remains high.

But some still have fun!
Even for this small duck family the water is too dangerous!
But when the rats move away, than it’s the apocalypse
Yes, my city is underwater and I feel my feet getting wet!
Watch more pictures and get a broader overview of the flooding situation.