A rare earthquake rattled Canton, Mississippi on June 29, 2015.
With the last month two earthquakes (3.2M and 3.0M), the region is really waking up! Sign of a new Charleston earthquake?

A new 3.2M earthquake was recorded in Madison County, 7 km southwest of Canton, Monday, June 29, 2015.
Specialists warn about possible aftershocks like on May 2, 2015 as two tremors were felt in the same area.
Is the region waking up?
We, of course, remember the Charleston earthquake of 1931:
[quote_box_center]On December 16, 1931, Mississippi experienced the most powerful earthquake in the state’s recorded history.The earthquake occurred at 9:36 p.m. and measured between 4.7 and 5.0 of the Richter Scale.[/quote_box_center]
So the earthquake was not so powerful! But:
[quote_box_center]The shock was felt over a 65,000 square mile area throughout north Mississippi and parts of Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee.[/quote_box_center]
So do you think something like this will occur soon?
[…] http://strangesounds.org/2015/06/rare-earthquake-strikes-canton-mississippi-charleston-earthquake-in… […]