In August 2015 more than 200 dolphin calves were stranded at the Black sea coast of Bulgaria.
But nobody cares about this mysterious and critical baby dolphins mass die-off.

More than 250 baby dolphins have been reported dead from 25 July to 25 August, 2015. However, another 42 cases have not been added yet… And probably more.
This unprecedent dolphin mass die-off is being mapped, monitored and investigated by Keep Coral, a group of citizens and Green Balkans, environmetal experts.
But officials remain inactive although knowing about this mysterious mass die-off.

According to unofficial versions, this anomalous dolphin kill is linked to human activities such as seismic surveys or field studies for oil deposits. Other possible causes of mortality are military exercises, naturally disease or infection, toxic pollution in the sea, any natural disasters (earthquake, explosion, sonar, etc.), death by decompression and commercial fishing.