The biggest heart in the whole Universe forms as a result of the galactic collision of the Antennae Galaxies


The largest heart in the whole universe is formed by the Antennae Galaxies, two galaxies which are undergoing a galactic collision.

The nuclei of the two galaxies are joining to become one giant heart-shaped galaxy.

antennae galaxies heart universe, heart-shaped galaxy, galactical collision, galactical collision antennae galaxies, antennae galaxies collision, heart shaped galaxies, heart in universe, largest heart in universe, Roberto Antezana captured this awesome picture of the largest heart galaxies in the whole universe on November 11 2015 at 11:11
Roberto Antezana captured this awesome picture of the largest heart galaxies in the whole universe on November 11, 2015 at 11:11

This heart-shaped galaxy has a diameter of 100’000 light-years, is located nearly 70 million light-years from the Milkyway, and contains about 200 billion suns.

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