Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village


According to Chinese villagers, a mysterious vampire predator is killing birds in Pudong, near Shanghai.

The unknown bloodsucking killer has already killed about 200 chickens and ducks… The hunt is on…

The only clue is this tantalising muddy webbed four-toed footprint the size of five-year-old child’s hand:

Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village, Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in chinese village, china Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village, vampire predator china, large vampire predator china, vampire predator china kills chickens and ducks in china,

The unidentified predator has only sucked on the blood of its prey, rather than feeding on its meat.

Chickens, ducks and rabbits were killed in the region.

Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village, Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in chinese village, china Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village, vampire predator china, large vampire predator china, vampire predator china kills chickens and ducks in china

Did a wild animal escape from Shanghai Wild Animal Park? It is situated just 2km from the village.

Experts from the park say this is not the culrpit but have tried to help farmers catch the predator by making an iron cage, and luring it by hanging live chickens inside. So far, trap has been unsuccessful.

Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village, Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in chinese village, china Unknown vampire predator kills 200 birds in village, vampire predator china, large vampire predator china, vampire predator china kills chickens and ducks in china

Big cat? coyote? fox? Do you think they will start selling the carcasses of the dead poultry?

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