Mystery as several hundred crows are discovered dead along a section of railroad tracks in Springfield, Michigan on March 15, 2016.
Residents counted around 300 dead birds stretching over at least 200 yards. How and why they all died is still unexplained.

As reported by Battle creek enquirer, officials are trying to determine why several hundred crows are dead along a section of railroad tracks.

The crows were reported Tuesday near Helmer Road in Springfield. Most were on the east side of the roadway, stretching at least 200 yards. Some people estimated as many as 300 of the birds were dead.

It’s the second such discovery within a month in the same area, when dozens of dead birds were found near the same railroad tracks.
This time, there are more birds, so officials will turn their livers in for testing to determine if maybe there’s some pesticide or chemical that made the birds compromised. Analyses will be done at Michigan State University.
But the mystery continues. Any sort of poison around or in the atmosphere?
Crows are really intelligent birds. So I doubt they would not fly away in front of a train passing by. Any kinds of poisoning in the atmosphere of Springfield, Michigan?
[…] hundreds of crows in Michigan and 13 bald eagles in Maryland, it’s now the residents of Redding, California who are confronted […]
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