What is this mysterious giant sea creature that’s baffled experts after washing up on a tourist beach in Acapulco, Mexico?
The monster of the deep is 4-metre (13-foot-long) and was discovered on Bonfil Beach on March 10, 2016.

The creature’s body was washed on the shore by strong currents that have been affecting parts of the Mexican coast.

Biologists believe the animal had not been dead for a long time – but has started to rapidly decay.

Scientists have no idea what type of animal this could be. It is four metres long and was found on Bonfil Beach.
Hallan enorme cadáver de una especie marina en #Acapulco https://t.co/OOtY5shbRY pic.twitter.com/z9oYoy7Do4
— Novedades Acapulco (@NovedadesAca) March 10, 2016
So what kind of sea creature could it be? The photos of the mysterious creature have since provoked huge debate online – with some suggesting that it might be a type of giant squid, while others have suggested that it is a whale.
I think that we have here a putrefacted whale. What do you think this is?
Hallan cadáver de criatura marina gigante