Extreme floods in Texas: Ranchers battle to save cattle after pasture floods


Ranchers battle to save cattle after pasture floods near Chappell Hill, Texas on May 27, 2016.

Meanwhile several regional prison have evacuated thousands of inmates, anticipating a deluge.

texas floods, texas floods may 2016, texas floods video may 2016, Ranchers battle to save cattle after pasture floods near Chappell Hill Texas, texas floods: Ranchers battle to save cattle after pasture floods
via Reuters

At least three people are still missing after torrential rain in Texas and Kansas this week. But not only people suffer. Look at this:

Meanwhile, Texas prison authorities are evacuating thousands inmates from several regional prisons:

Severe floods already hit Texas on May 22-23 leaving at least eight people dead. More than 1,000 homes have been affected by the catastrophic flooding, and 1,200 people are reported to have been rescued since it started.

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