What happened to the giant volcano thought to have destroyed Atlantis?


What happened to the giant volcano thought to have destroyed Atlantis?

The answer may be the island of Santorini… As the entire Bay of Santorini is an active volcanic crater.

Around 360 B.C., the Greek philosopher Plato recorded the legend of Atlantis, the great civilization swallowed by the sea.

atlantis santorini, lost atlantis santorini, santorini atlantis
Is the entire Bay of Santorini in Greece an active volcanic crater?

For centuries, adventurers and archaeologists have searched in vain for the lost city.

atlantis santorini, lost atlantis santorini, santorini atlantis
This is what Santorini may have looked like befor 1500 BC.

But now, an international team of experts has uncovered evidence of an epic catastrophe that wiped out a technically advanced and wealthy Mediterranean civilization 3,500 years ago, changed history and inspired a myth.

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