Living giant squid filmed at La Coruña, Spain


A living giant squid was filmed in in the estuary of Porto de Bares, La Coruna, Spain on October 7, 2016.

The female Architeuthis dux measures a total of 9 meters and weighs a heavy 105 kg.

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Parque de la vida

The squid was seriously injured. Biologists believe it was wounded by the attack of another animal during a Clash of the Titans.

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Parque de la vida

This video shows the giant specimen still living. The interesting part of the movie starts @ 0:58s :

A necropsy is currently undergoing. This is the fourth giant squid body recovered in La Coruna this year.

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Parque de la vida

The giant squid is a deep-ocean dwelling squid, which can grow to a tremendous size. Recent estimates put the maximum size at 13 m (43 ft) for females and 10 m (33 ft) for males from the posterior fins to the tip of the two long tentacles.

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Parque de la vida

The mantle is about 2 m (6.6 ft) long and the length of the squid excluding its tentacles rarely exceeds 5 m (16 ft). Claims of specimens measuring 20 m (66 ft) or more have not been scientifically documented.

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Parque de la vida

Here another video showing the squid after it had washed up on the beach:

The number of different giant squid species has been debated, but recent genetic research suggests that only one species exists.

In 2004 Japanese researchers took the first images of a live giant squid in its natural habitat, and in July 2012 a live adult was first filmed in its natural habitat off Chichi-jima.

Hallan en La Coruña una cría de calamar gigante de 105 kilos que pudo morir en una lucha de «titanes»

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