The seismic unrest spreads across the world!
M5.8, M5.7 and 9 other strong quakes hit the Philippines on April 11, 2017, just a day after an unprecedent 370 earthquakes have started swarming El Salvador, in Middle America.

After El Salvador, it’s now the Philippines that experiences a dramatic earthquake swarm with strongest quake measuring M5.8 and M5.7 on the Richter’s scale.
The strong earthquake swarm started in the south of the Philippines (8 earthquakes between M5.7 and M4.6) before spreading to the North-East (2 earthquakes: M5.8 and M4.7).

The southern cluster of earthquakes began at 10am and resumed at around 2 am on April 12, 2017:
M 4.6 – 108km SE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 5.1 – 148km ESE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 5.7 – 124km SE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 5.0 – 145km ESE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 5.3 – 140km ESE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 5.1 – 140km ESE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 4.6 – 144km ESE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
M 4.6 – 186km SE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
Then it spread in the northeastern direction with a M5.8 earthquake followed by a M4.6 tremor.
As listed on the Philvocs webpage, this swarm contains hundreds of earthquakes of lower magnitudes. Several oarfish have been found dead in the Batangas Province in the last 2 months (February 2017, March 2017), the latest beginning of April 2017.
Is this swarm announcing the next ‘Big One’ in the region?
[…] This article was originally published by Strange Sounds. […]
上太阳水、中太徵火运、下月球土. 晨出东方、氐宿、土貉为对、月球在未、金星昼见、火星犯垒东壁阵、乃有陨雪霜、乃有山崩地裂、破坏力强. 上厥阴木、中少宫土运、下少阳相火、风化清化胜复同、所谓邪气化日. 晨出东方、房宿、日兔为对、月球在未. 火星、土星相合. 木星犯房宿、月球犯明堂.