This infamous cyclops goat is born in Assam, India (VIDEO)


This cyclops goat is born about 2 weeks ago in the Indian state of Assam.

Since then, this brave little fluff has become an international sensation for obvious reasons: clearly, it’s training to be in the X-Men.

The goat owner believes the animal will bring luck to his home. Apparently, people from neighboring villages have been flocking to his farm to get a glimpse of the unusual tot.

cyclops goat, cyclops goat india, cyclops goat is born in India
A cyclops goat is born in India

Local vets are still confused as to what could have caused the goat’s rare condition. Cyclopia occurs when the orbital sockets form incorrectly in the mother’s womb due to one of several developmental abnormalities or traumas, and is often associated with other deformities.

cyclops goat, cyclops goat india, cyclops goat is born in India
The cclops goat has become an international sensation

But in humans, babies born with the condition usually die shortly after they’re born.

cyclops goat, cyclops goat india, cyclops goat is born in India
Local vets are still confused as to what could have caused the goat’s rare condition.

Animals with cyclopia have garnered attention before, like the infamous Cyclops Shark, which was found dead back in 2011. A few years later, scientists were able to study a different goat with cyclopia, though it only lived for 10 hours after birth.

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