Geometric ordered mysterious holes in the ground discovered in the impenetrable Russian Taiga (video)


What are these mysterious holes discovered while flying over the Arkhangelsk region in Russia?

The strange features appear to be side-to-side, almost symetric and in a kind of geometric order in the ground of impenetrable marshes in the Russian taiga.

The satellite images clearly show the holes in the ground ordered geometrically.

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Satellite images showing the mysterious holes in the Russia taiga

The diameters of the holes range between 8 to 9 meters. The area is inaccessible (only by air) and far away from any settlements.

strange holes russia taiga, strange holes russia, mysterious holes in russian taiga
The msterious holesare ordered in a weird geometrical pattern

Scientists bafled by the phenomenon visited the anomalous spot in the Arkhangelsk region and report that there are even more mysterious holes in the ground as some were covered with moss.

strange holes russia taiga, strange holes russia, mysterious holes in russian taiga
An aerial view of these unexplained holes in Russia.

Moreover, the rim of the holes was the only place in the taiga where birch trees were able to grow.

strange holes russia taiga, strange holes russia, mysterious holes in russian taiga
Recent images of the strange holes in the ground.

But their origin is still undefined.

strange holes russia taiga, strange holes russia, mysterious holes in russian taiga
Recent pictures show that man holes are covered by moss.

Weirdly, two kilometers way from the strange holes, there is also a strange structure in the forest.

strange holes russia taiga, strange holes russia, mysterious holes in russian taiga
Mysterious feature in a forest neary the mysterious holes in the Russian taiga.

These mysterious swamp circles certainly appeared many years ago.

strange holes russia taiga, strange holes russia, mysterious holes in russian taiga
What are these undefined holes in the swamp?

For the adventurers, the mysterious water filled cavities can be visited and studied at this location: Pinezhsky district, Arkhangelsk region coordinates 63 ° 46’N 44 ° 34’E.

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  1. The same patterns of striations can be found deep on the ocean floor. They are likely mining – gouging operations and they didn’t occur from human action.

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