Barker and Addick reservoirs are filling rapidly, nearing capacity for the first time, putting thousands of homes and entire communities at risk.
A controlled release will begin tonight at 2am. If NOT, a 30ft wall of uncontrolled water could breach.

Why would you build a giant water time bomb next to a major city? That sounds like something a super villain would do!
The apocalyptic and uncontrolled situation is giving rise to fear in Houston:
Update on August 28, 2017:
Texas Has Thousands of Bad Dams, Two In Houston Deemed ‘Extremely High Risk’:
Harris County Flood control announced new evacuation orders as the Army Corps of Engineers continues to release water from the Barker and Addicks reservoirs. 8/28 8:30 p.m.
Addicks Reservoir Saturday. Hurricane Harvey is still off to the west of us, but supposedly heading this way.
Now the Addicks Reservoir filled by Harvey on August 28, 2017:
Meanwhile the Conroe dam in Houston was open to avoid its collapse, this means possible flooding in the neighborhoods and increased flow of nearby rivers:
These reservoirs were built after WWII and were of concern about 3 weeks ago pertaining to a leak, and the water was minuscule compared to what is happening now.
Here some important links if you are in the sinister area: ADDICKS RESERVOIR,
BARKER RESERVOIR, and finally the Harris County Flood Warning System.