And here we go again! We have yet another massive mystery wave caught on the MIMIC Map.
This time we can see the pattern affected by the wind swirls. It also cover the entire area of South America.

What is really going on there Dahboo7?
What is really going on there Dahboo7?
Strange how these “wave anomalies” are occurring while oceans by South America are receding and on the other side the waves are increasing in height and strength.
Maybe the source of these waves is the Earth itself, not manmade stations
Oh look more CGI and made up stories.
I’ve got a load of links for you Daboo 7,will try to find the time to Tweet them to you tonight.
Better look again. The waves are spreading from SW US and widening out as they flow south, not the other way.
comtrails made by giant condor, pterodactyls, dragons. Their islands up to feeding grounds and back. They are multiplying and getting larger and larger.
New World Order – HAARP! The Herald Angels Sing! Pay attention –