Series of three supermoons in a row starts December 3, 2017, and ends January 31, 2018 with a Super Blood Moon


Today, a series of three supermoons in a row – supermoon trifecta – is starting, with fullmoons on December 3, 2017, January 1, 2018, and January 31, 2018. The supermoon on January 1 will be the largest of the year. The most special of the three will light up the sky on January 31 as it features a total lunar eclipse. This second Full Moon of the year… and of the month of January – therefore a Blue Moon – will gradually get darker, and take on a rusty or blood red color during the eclipse.  

three supermoons in a row december 2017 to january 2018, lunar eclipse january 31 2017, 3 supermoons in a row, supermoons , supermoon December 3 2017, supermoon January 1 2018, supermoon January 31 2018
A series of three supermoons in a row will light up the sky on December 3, 2017, January 1, 2018, and January 31, 2018, the latest being a blood moon featuring a total lunar eclipse. via Youtube

Blue Moons happen every two and a half years. With the total eclipse, the January 31, 2017 Full Moon could look like this!

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1 Comment

  1. […] December 3, 2017, a Supermoon trilogy has started with 3 supermoons in a row – Dec. 3rd, Jan. 1st and finally Jan. 31s…And something incredible occurred in the sky over Colorado: The rising Supermoon almost superimposed […]

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