Multiple large boulders fell onto State Route 7 between Chesapeake and Burlingtonin in southern Ohio Monday 7:30 a.m. EST, closing the roadway. One northbound lane of state Route 7 is reopen Tuesday morning after Monday’s massive rock slide. That is the only lane that will be reopened at this time. The clean-up of the four-lane roadway could take two weeks to completely clear the enormous boulders. No injuries or damaged vehicles were reported in the incident. Officials were on the scene late Monday morning to investigate the cause of the rockslide.
Dozens of huge boulders weighing thousands of tons have poured into SR 7 in Chesapeake, Ohio. The morning and evening will keep I-64 and County Road 1 very busy.
— Tiffney López – WOWK 13 News (@LopezWOWK) 26 février 2018

One northbound lane of SR 7 is now open after a massive rockslide yesterday
— Tiffney López – WOWK 13 News (@LopezWOWK) 27 février 2018
The several massive boulders crashed down onto State Route 7 after days of heavy rainfall that triggered flooding along the Ohio River. Just across the Ohio River, the town of Huntington, West Virginia, reported rainfall in 10 of the past 12 days ending Sunday, including more than 1.5 inches on Saturday. The heavy rainfall has triggered multiple mudslides in the region.
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Just above the rock slide, there are Landfill and Earth mover places where are secret reptilian underground base. Those rocks slided just after those underground bases were cleaned up by Galactic Forces. I mentioned many times that quarries, mines including landfills and earth mover places are all surface facilities of their underground bases. Tallow Ridge Rd with huge mansions with a swimming pool is a reptilian colonized area. Yes, the most of ridges have their underground bases.
And if you see “Hollow” with green letters on Google Map, you find their secret underground bases. Just beside of my house, there is their secret underground base “Tucker Hollow” in Alabama. There are so many “Hollow” places around my area. In those area, you can find mysterious untreated greenish & blueish sewer water coming out from underground even nobody is living around there on the surface.