Subterranean river breached the surface, causing a mountain to collapse in Wadi Dawan desert valley in Yemen


A subterranean river breached the surface, causing a mountain collapse in Wadi Dawan, a desert valley located in central Yemen.

Yemen mountain collapse video
Yemen mountain collapse video

The mountains of Wadi Dawan, mostly Mount Hasn Basim, in Hadramaut Governorate have been experimenting continuous rockslides and destruction over the last 3 days, after large cracks formed within the rock, releasing steam and smoke from within.

This strange phenomenon is the first of its kind in the region and has raised concern and panic among residents, forcing thousands to flee their homes.

According to the director of the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Authority in Hadramaut, Fayez Basra, the cause of the incessant rockslides at Jabal Hisn is due to waterlogging as a result of unprecedented rainfall. He warned that cracking in the area is not about to stop and more ‘rivers’ will cause mountains to collapse. He finally advised residents not to return to their homes.

Some on social media writes:

Earthquakes happen… The collapses that are happening in the Doaan Mountains are evidence of that.

Some of them pointed out that the mountains of Aden are located above an extinct volcano, thus increasing the state of anxiety.

The mountains of Wadi Dawan are cracking for the third day in a row. Sons of Hadhramaut, either a volcano will appear for you or Gog and Magog will emerge.

Meanwhile, the exact cause of these collapses are not yet clear, but fears about their impact on the region continue.

Some activists on social media linked this phenomenon to the hadith on the Day of Resurrection regarding the emergence of the Great Fire from Yemen, especially from Hadhramaut, which is one of the last signs of the Great Hour and the first verses that herald the arrival of the Day of Resurrection. [Arabia, Skynewsarebia]

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