Monday, March 12, 2017, the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) raised the alert level from yellow to orange “due to increased activities” for the underwater volcano, Kick ’em Jenny in Grenada (CMC).

NaDMA said that it had been working with the Trinidad-based Seismic Research Centre (SRC) of the University of the West Indies (UWI) in monitoring the situation and “with this increase in the alert level, ships and other marine operators are asked to observe the exclusion zone of 5 km/3.1miles”.
“NaDMA in collaboration with the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Center will continue to monitor the activities of Kick em’ Jenny and will update the public as necessary”, the statement noted.
In May last year, NaDMA warned Grenadians that they should expect more eruptions of the underwater volcano, noting that volcanic episodes at Kick em’ Jenny, since 1939, usually consist of several eruptions lasting over several days before returning to repose.
NaDMA said it would be useful for those in coastal areas to be on the lookout for unusual material that might be ejected from the eruption.
And here comes the next eruption?
Sounds like Captain Jack Sparrow named that island in the year 1780. Yeah I remember now , some guy in the comments section on a youtube video? Said that the OFFICIAL USGS science agency reported that new volcanic eruptions at 44 for the 2017 year. The Commenter counted around 92. Oh no use causing a panic now…….not good for equity values!
Kick ’em Jenny is a strange name! I hope this is going to be Kick cannibal reptilians from the Earth.
There was also a huge landslide in Hrvatska Kostajnica, Croatia. A reptilian village was destroyed. It looks like that still this landslide is advancing, swallowing the whole village. Yes, the Earth change is advancing much faster than last year. As I mentioned before, Salusa, a commander of Galactic Federation of Light told me through telepathy communication in 2011 “The new Earth has more water body than land mass. The new Earth will be so beautiful that you must love it!” She also said in 2011 “We are going to clean up all the reptilian secret underground and undersea bases.” I hope their clean up operation is almost over. I cannot wait until I can see the New beautiful Earth in 5th dimension.